ZeroGPT: A Comprehensive Guide to Detecting AI-Generated Text


ZeroGPT is a simple AI detection tool that is used to algorithmically detect texts and essays produced by other AI models including ChatGPT and GPT-4. ZeroGPT was developed by Edward Tian who aimed at facilitating the identification of AI-generated content and reduce instances of cheating and plagiarism among others.

How ZeroGPT Works

ZeroGPT uses two key metrics to determine whether a text is AI-generated or human-written: Perplexity and burstiness are the two most distinct measures of the identification of upstream topics of conversation.


This refers to how much spiced up, random or unmixed a certain piece of text seem to the language model. There is much prominence given to ‘perplexity’, based on the fluency and closeness of the text, and in case a text is very close to the training corpus it has low perplexity and is often AI-written. On the other hand, highly engaged text is more likely to be written by a human, as low difficulty level is one of the key characteristics of human-generated text​ (TechLearningMagazine)​.


This can be determined by averaging and comparing the number of words in different sentences to estimate the variation in the length of sentences in the document and the degree of difficulty in reading them. While the work of people is richer, containing complete and incomplete thoughts and words, different in length, the AI text usually has a very similar structure for all iterations.

Features and Functionality

ZeroGPT offers several useful features:ZeroGPT offers several useful features:

Deep Analysis: 

It separates sections of generated text and allows the user to preview the text and see sections related to an AI.

No Signup Required: 

The tool works without requiring the user to register an account or provide details about themselves.

Unlimited Usage: 

Moreover, it should be mentioned that there are no word count or frequency limitations in terms of its usage for free.

Multi-Model Support: 

It even does not have to be ChatGPT as it is capable of detecting other models such as Google’s Bard and Meta’s LLaMA​​.

Applications and Accuracy

Currently, there is an increasing trend of using ZeroGPT in writing among educators, students, writers, and professionals to foster legitimacy of written material. The given tool has proved to have an astounding accuracy of approximately 98%, making it a suitable choice for identifying texts crafted using AI. That being said, there are fewer hits for ‘carefully crafted’ content designed to mimic human writing styles.

Practical Use

Using ZeroGPT is straightforward. They will upload their text to the tool on the ZeroGPT website, choosing whether their text contains AI-generated content, and clicking the “Detect AI” button. The tool then computes the percentage and assigns an AI score probability to denote the potential of the text to have been written by an AI model.


Thus, ZeroGPT can be considered as a remarkable tool in the development of AI-generated content, enabling the detection of such creations to ensure information relevancy and credibility across the disciplines. Consequently, its utility, combined with high reliability, helps make it a rather useful tool for any person interested in identifying the difference between text written by a human author and text generated by AI.

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